Where is coolsculpting located?

This provider locator tool is provided by Allergan, Inc. Since Coolsculpting is a non-invasive technique, it can be performed directly in the office. Gel pads will be applied to the target area and then the applicator will be placed on the area where you will perform your work. During the procedure, a constant cooling process is delivered, which will target the desired fat cells.

Unless you're a professional marathon runner, chances are you have pockets of grease here and there that seem impervious to any effort you make to eliminate them. The fact is that changes in diet and exercise don't seem to do anything in the typical locations of this unwanted and stubborn fat found in the abdomen, flanks, and even the brassiere line. Most people have stubborn fat deposits that they would like to get rid of. However, surgical liposuction downtime doesn't fit all programs.

Non-invasive CoolSculpting can be a good alternative. This innovative method of freezing body fat is available at Associates in Dermatology offices in Westlake, Middleburg Heights and Lorain, OH. The treatment is drug-free and there is no risk of secondary infection. Side effects such as redness, bruising, tenderness, or numbness are usually mild and temporary.

CoolSculpting can be performed on submental (double chin) and submandibular (below the jawline) fat, upper arms, brassiere fat, back fat, abdomen, flanks, buttocks (including banana roll underneath), and thighs (inner and outer). What are the typical Coolsculpting results? Patients can expect a reduction of up to 25 percent in fat in the treated area. The procedure can be repeated for further reduction. CoolSculpting (cryolipolysis) is the latest technique for efficient fat removal, and it does NOT require INCISIONS.

CoolSculpting uses controlled cooling to gently and effectively target fat cells under the skin, without affecting the skin itself. CoolSculpting, also known as cryolipolysis, reduces unwanted body fat through gentle, precise and controlled cooling of specific fat cells. During your CoolSculpting session at Columbus Women's Care, you can read, watch videos, work on your laptop, or even take a nap. CoolSculpting is a trademark for cryolipolysis or fat freezing, a non-surgical fat removal technology.

CoolSculpting is a voluntary cosmetic treatment, so it's not normally covered by health insurance or FSA plans. CoolSculpting Elite is a popular, safe and non-invasive method of fat reduction with little risk and few side effects compared to liposuction. One quality of CoolSculpting Ⓡ that differentiates it from other treatments and procedures is that patients will not have to let go of downtime after their treatment. FDA-approved, CoolSculpting Ⓡ is the only body contouring technology of its kind that uses carefully controlled cooling to effectively and safely target fat cells in subcutaneous tissue.

CoolSculpting is ideal for both men and women who are close to their ideal weight but who don't seem to lose fat in certain areas. CoolSculpting has a low risk of complications when performed by highly qualified plastic surgeons such as those in Ohio State.

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